Michael Davis
Panama City (Pacific Cruise Terminal)


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Panama City (Pacific Cruise Terminal), Panama

A vibrant metropolis, historic city and your gateway to tropical adventures - Panama City has it all and it's all waiting for you to discover. Founded in 1519, Panama City is the oldest continuously occupied European settlement on the Americas' Pacific Coast. Lose yourself in the region's dramatic past while touring historic sites intertwined among the buzzing cosmopolitan atmosphere. Visit the world-famous Panama Canal or feel a world away lounging on a pristine beach or hiking among lush rainforest that's home to an assortment of colourful flora and fauna.

Featured Panama City (Pacific Cruise Terminal) CRUISE ITINERARIES


  • Port Name & Location
    Pacific Cruise Terminal. Ship will DOCK at this port.
  • Time Zone
    Eastern Standard Time Zone GMT/UTC-5h
  • Language
    The local language spoken is Spanish To ask how much something cost, say, ¿Cuánto cuesta…?" "Por favor" means please while "gracias" is thank you and "much gusto" means nice to meet you.
  • Currency & Shopping
    For in-city shopping, the local currency used is the Panamanian Balboa. In addition to several local shopping malls, Vía España is a popular thoroughfare that boasts a wide range of stores, from high-end to souvenir shops.
    • Famous For
      Best known for the Panama Canal, this vibrant city also boasts historical attractions and ample opportunities for outdoor adventures in the region.
    • Fun Fact #1
      Stretching approximately 40 miles between the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea, the Panama Canal is considered the world's greatest short cut. Between 13,000 - 14,000 ships use the canal every year, generally taking 8 - 10 hours to pass through the canal.
    • Fun Fact #2
      Located along the banks of the Panama Canal, Soberanía National Park's rainforest boasts hundreds of bird species, including toucans, hummingbirds, trogons and parrots. The park is also home to two- and three-toed sloths, tamarins, howler monkeys and other unique mammals.
    • Fun Fact: Foodies
      For coffee aficionados, trying a cup of famed Geisha coffee - the rare bean grown in the highlands of Panama - is a must in Panama City. The most expensive coffee in the world, a pound of Geisha coffee has sold for as high as $1,000. But don't worry, you can savour a cup of authentic Geisha coffee for potentially as little as $10 at a local café.
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