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Norwegian's Official Travel Blog

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Best Cruises for First Timers

Instead of taking your same-old, same-old holiday year after year, maybe 2017 is the time to change it up a bit. Have you always wondered about going on a cruise? Let me start off by saying, again, a cruise is one of today's best values for your hard earned holiday dollar! You really can't go wrong money wise. If you've never cruised before and you're not sure it's going to be your thing, it's important to consider the following when planning your first cruise:

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Warm Weather Cruise Destinations

Maybe you need no convincing. If you're entirely ready to escape but uncertain where to go, here are just a few of Norwegian's hottest itineraries for turning Northern winters into summer delights. Each locale is in relatively close proximity to one another, which means that island (or cruise!) hopping between diverse cultures and landscapes is entirely within your reach.

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Once you've made the decision to go on a cruise, the fun part really begins as you get to choose your stateroom. Whether you're cruising solo or with family members, or if you're on a budget or want to live large in a suite, no matter what your desires are, here's how to pick your perfect stateroom!

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Even though cruising is one of the best values for your hard earned dollars, there seems to be some common misconceptions about this popular holiday choice. Cruising is exciting, flexible and more affordable than some may think! Let's take a look at 9 cruise misconceptions:

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While I hate to keep repeating myself, I must say it again: cruising is one of todays' best holiday values for your hard-earned dollars. But having said that, you can still take advantage of additional cost saving measures. Let's take a look at how to get a good deal on a cruise!

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I've always maintained that cruising is the best holiday value for your hard earned dollars. In fact, according to Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), taking a cruise can cost as little as $40 per day! Where else can you get an all-inclusive holiday for such an amazing low price?? So, how much is a cruise? Let's take a look!

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With no passport required for US citizens, it’s no wonder the US Virgin Islands are one of the ten most visited destinations in The Caribbean. Offering an enticing combination of tropical beaches, cultural diversity and historical significance, St. Thomas is so much more than just a duty-free shopping haven. Where do the locals go on St. Thomas? Let’s take a look!

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When it comes to cruise holidays, I like to believe it's all about the journey rather than the end destination. This is why books that celebrate the cultures and lore of storied port cities are my compass, treasure maps, and constant sailing companions.

Don't get me wrong: I love to geek out on travel guides, too. When cruising the Caribbean, I want to know the Cayman Islands' ideal snorkel spots and the Bahamas' best duty-free jewellery stores. But a juicy book, whether it's a non-fiction narrative or an epic novel, offers a five-senses feast for the imagination. It inspires a trip you hadn't previously considered, and adds deep context to an itinerary already plotted.

Whether you're seeking great escape or deep exploration, here are some must-read books that capture the spirit of the Caribbean islands. What's more, they're sure to enhance your excursions.

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How to Plan a Family Reunion at Sea

Did you know the number one reason for travel within the US is to visit relatives? And while todays' technology makes it easy to stay in touch, there's nothing quite like seeing each other in person - remember how much fun you had when you last visited? Maybe it's time for another get together! Here are my tips on how to organise a family reunion cruise.

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What could be more exciting than planning your cruise holiday? Just think of the endless possibilities! Where will you go? What new exciting adventures will you have?

While some people hate the thoughts of figuring out their holiday details, it shouldn't be a chore, it should be exhilarating! Let's take a took at how to plan your cruise holiday by answering the following simple questions:

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If you're considering a Baltic cruise - or even reading about one - chances are you're a special kind of traveller. You're adventurous. Maybe not in a bungee-jump off a Jamaica cliff kind-of-way. But you are the kind of person who likes to say, "I can see Russia from my stateroom."

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Have you ever taken a Myers-Brigg personality test? If so, you might know that our behavioural traits typically fall somewhere on the gray scale instead of swinging to extremes. For instance, I'm an introvert but I'm not reclusive or painfully shy. In fact, most introverts love to talk and trade stories - it's just that we strongly prefer intimate dinner conversations to loud party chatter. We're also curious types and deep thinkers. After socializing, we tend to seek out quiet, cozy spots to contemplate or recharge.

When it comes to cruising, Norwegian offers so many options and special places aboard for those who, like me, prefer to cruise on the quiet side. Whether you're a soft-spoken INTJ seeking solace or an outgoing ESTP wanting to recharge, here are some favourite places you can escape to.

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Have you ever noticed that our holiday attitudes mimic our everyday behaviours? For instance, when it comes to leisure cruising, workabee types are always the ones with a day full of high-adrenaline, jam-packed activities - that is, after they've jogged ten laps around the ship before sunrise. And the rest of us? We're lingering poolside with a book and adult beverage.

When you cruise with Norwegian they completely deflate these extreme stereotypes. Offering a range of diverse activities, you can create a schedule that suits your style or mix it up and try something entirely new.

With so many onboard options, your biggest problem may be deciding what to do. Here are some suggestions to help plan you sea days, when you’re sailing around the clock. Take the fast track or turn to a slow-jam dial setting; it’s entirely up to you.

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As a former Accredited Cruise Counsellor with CLIA, I was asked this question all the time: when is the best season to cruise? My answer is still the same today - whenever you've got holiday time, there will be a great cruise waiting for you no matter the season!

But if you’ve got a particular cruise destination in mind, there are some optimal times to visit throughout the year to ensure the best possible cruise experience overall. Generally this means the best chance of having great weather, with no rough seas in sight.

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Lights Up: Imagine you're cruising The Caribbean, leisurely sailing from the British Virgin Islands to the Bahamas. See yourself sprawled on a lounge chair. What are you wearing? A super-cute bikini, or your favourite old college t-shirt? Is your hair tucked under a hat, or twisted up with a giant scrunchy? (Yes, you still own one. So what?) Or maybe your fantasy expedition includes icy fjords of Alaska. In that case, you could be sporting a snuggly jacket, sweatshirt, and sensible sneakers.

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Picture this: It’s your first day cruising at sea, and you’re somewhere between the Florida coastline and the Bahamas islands. Who’s to say exactly what the precise latitude might be? From the perspective of your poolside lounge chair, you’re content to gaze at the stretch of sky and aquamarine sea. The city traffic snarls and office paper piles couldn’t be further from your mind. You roll over on your stomach, and reach for your phone for a time check – and that’s where the trouble begins.

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Best Cruises for College Students

Ahhh, college—the best years of your life, some would say. But after lugging around huge textbooks, studying for exams, writing endless essays and pulling all nighters to finish projects, most people need to treat themselves. A getaway on a Norwegian cruise with your college buddies is the perfect antidote to the stress of college living!

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