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    Atlantis Submarine

    Bridgetown, Barbados

    Duração de 2 1/2 h

    Experience a unique, exciting underwater adventure aboard a real submarine. Seated in spacious, air-conditioned comfort you'll see beautiful coral reefs and abundant marine life, including coral formations, sponge, and colorful fish through large view-ports to depths of 130 feet.

    O que é preciso saber:

    Note: Participants must be at least 3 feet tall and be able to safely climb an 11-step ladder. The minimum age is 4 years old. No infants allowed.
    • Adultos a partir de: R$ 819,67
    • Crianças a partir de: R$ 555,26
    DURAÇÃO 2 1/2 h
    • Recomendado à família
    • Altura
    • Idade

Please note: The information in this document was current at time of printing. As descrições e os preços dos passeios variam de acordo com o navio e a data de viagem e estão sujeitos a alterações sem aviso prévio. Log into My NCL for the applicable information specific to your cruise.

Printed on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 09:19pm