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    Roma e o Vaticano

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Itália

    Duração de 9 1/2 h

    Você verá a Cidade Eterna em uma passeio guiado, visitando edificações famosas, que incluem o antigo Coliseu da Roma, onde os gladiadores lutavam. In Vatican City admire the beauty of St. Peter's Square, and view some of the treasures of the world's largest church, St. Peter's Basilica during your brief visit. The Vatican Museum is home to masterpieces spanning the centuries, marvel at the Sistine Chapel, topped by Michelangelo's magnificent ceiling. Lunch is included.

    O que é preciso saber:

    Note: Tour is quick paced, with an extensive amount of walking over cobblestone terrain and several steps to negotiate. As tour visits a religious site, please dress appropriately - no bare shoulders, shorts, or skirts above the knee. Large bags or backpacks aren’t permitted in the Vatican. Your guide will join you in Rome, however you’ll have an escort with you throughout the day. Expect large crowds at the Vatican and Sistine Chapel, especially during summer. Tour will not operate on Sundays as the Vatican is closed. Due to ongoing construction, the PIETÀ DI MICHELANGELO will be not viewable until September 2024.
    • Adultos a partir de: R$ 1.845,58
    • Crianças a partir de: R$ 1.316,76
    DURAÇÃO 9 1/2 h
    • Refeição
    Idiomas disponíveis:

Please note: The information in this document was current at time of printing. As descrições e os preços dos passeios variam de acordo com o navio e a data de viagem e estão sujeitos a alterações sem aviso prévio. Log into My NCL for the applicable information specific to your cruise.

Printed on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 09:36pm