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    Enchanting Wismar & Brewery

    Berlim (Warnemünde), Alemanha

    Duração: 5 h

    Discover Wismar, a medieval, Hanseatic town and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Upon arrival you’ll enjoy a guided walk, along cobbled streets with Gothic houses, Baroque buildings and Renaissance facades. The classic Town Hall, the water tower, the historic drainage system and merchants’ houses are just some of the fascinating buildings this town has to offer. Stop for refreshments at a nostalgic brewery dating back to the Middle Ages to taste some medieval beer and enjoy a traditional German snack. You’ll return to Warnemunde in the afternoon.

    O que é preciso saber:

    Note: The order of the sights may vary. The drive to Wismar is approximately 75 minutes.
    • Adultos a partir de: R$ 787,94
    • Crianças a partir de: R$ 682,18
    DURAÇÃO 5 h
    • Lanche

Please note: The information in this document was current at time of printing. As descrições e os preços dos passeios variam de acordo com o navio e a data de viagem e estão sujeitos a alterações sem aviso prévio. Log into My NCL for the applicable information specific to your cruise.

Printed on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 07:42pm