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    Biking Adventure

    Ilha Grande Bahama, Bahamas

    Duração: 5 h

    Take a leisurely 12 1/2 mile bike tour along the island. Learn about the local history through a seaside native settlement. Visit the tropical Garden of the Groves and lunch under a huge fig tree overlooking the waterfalls. There is time to enjoy the gardens or shop for handcrafted goods, fragrances, books and locally made straw work. Then visit Grand Bahama’s finest beach where you can take a refreshing swim or just relax.

    O que é preciso saber:

    Note: Participants must be at least 12 years of age and a minimum height of 4’11”. Two types of bikes are available: comfort cruisers and mountain bikes. Bring your swimsuit and a towel.
    • Adultos a partir de: R$ 735,06
    • Crianças a partir de: R$ 629,30
    DURAÇÃO 5 h
    • Idade
    • Altura
    • Refeição

Please note: The information in this document was current at time of printing. As descrições e os preços dos passeios variam de acordo com o navio e a data de viagem e estão sujeitos a alterações sem aviso prévio. Log into My NCL for the applicable information specific to your cruise.

Printed on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 09:36pm