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Blog oficial de viagem da Norwegian

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6 Tips for Planning a European Honeymoon Cruise

Once you have made arrangements for your wedding ceremony and reception, it’s time to start thinking about planning your honeymoon. With the right information, planning your honeymoon can be fun and stress-free – and you can even register for your honeymoon cruise with Norwegian so friends and family can chip in for the vacation of a lifetime. Let's explore some of the best European honeymoon cruise options for some seriously necessary R&R after your big day.

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Quando penso no local de encontro perfeito no Caribe, eu imediatamente imagino um jantar romântico para dois na praia com um pôr do sol espetacular no horizonte. Com tantas ilhas tropicais para escolher, isso poderia se aplicar a quase qualquer ilha do Caribe, mas esses são os meus locais favoritos para encontros românticos do Caribe!

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Valentine's Day may seem like an age away, but before you know it, the holidays are over and you are rushing to plan a last-minute date at a stuffy, packed restaurant. If you really want to surprise your significant other with a romantic getaway on Valentine's Day, we have just the thing. Escape the hustle and bustle of daily life with a relaxing Valentine's Day cruise on the high seas. From the luxurious staterooms and exciting activities to the scenic ports and amazing crew that loves to pamper guests, a cruise provides endless opportunities for romance. So, if you want to make unforgettable memories with your special someone, check out these romantic Valentine's Day cruise vacations.

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Family cruise vacations are fun. Making memories with the kids that will last a lifetime is one of the best parts about them. However, parents often need alone time, too. After all, it's also their vacation. Norwegian makes it possible for parents to make time for romance. There are countless activities for the kids to do on their own, allowing parents to relax and reconnect. Here are a few ways you'll be able to find the time for romance even if you're on a family cruise.

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The Best 2018 Honeymoon Cruises

Whether you're looking for a honeymoon cruise deal or you want to sail off to an exotic location with no holds barred in The Haven (home to Norwegian Cruise Line's most luxurious accommodations), your romantic cruise dreams can come true.The best 2018 honeymoon cruises are ready to welcome you on board. Think of the pampering, excitement, and adventure awaiting you as newlyweds.

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Romantic February Cruises

What are your plans for Valentine’s Day? Hopefully, it won’t involve running around at the last minute trying to find a decent flower bouquet backed up by a heart-shaped box of chocolates. Like, really?? Here’s a fantastic alternative your significant other won’t soon forget: a romantic last-minute cruise getaway for February!

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Honeymooning on a Budget: 5 Cruise Tips

Are you planning a honeymoon on a budget? If you’re looking to get one of the best vacation values for your hard earned money - without getting stuck in a  destination that doesn’t float your boat, or that turns into a money grab of extra fees for this and that - then, this is exactly why cruising is the answer to your honeymoon dreams!

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Vow Renewals at Sea

Imagine this: A husband and wife are renewing their vows in front of an endless aquamarine sea. Their closest family and friends huddle close together. After the magic moment of “I dos” and congratulatory hugs, it’s time to celebrate: A day in Barcelona, followed by another in Cannes, and another in Rome, followed by Florence, and so on.

And if you were imagining this was a scene from an extravagant celebrity nuptial affair, think again. This fantasy scene could be you, or anyone in your everyday world, and, should you choose, anywhere in the world. With Norwegian Cruise Line, renewing your vows at sea is easily arranged, and it's also the ideal way to celebrate your honeymoon.

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Tips for Planning a Romantic Honeymoon Cruise

Planning on taking a honeymoon cruise? It’s the perfect way to celebrate your new life together. Imagine being pampered from the moment you step on board, and, all the while, enjoying different destinations. Plus, let’s not forget about all the fun shopping, specialty restaurants, and exciting nightlife that you’ll find right on your ship! Let’s take a look at some essential honeymoon cruise tips to kick off the romance the right way.

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Casamento na praia em Bermudas

Para você que quer casar em alto-mar ou nas incríveis praias de Bermudas, pedimos dicas da especialista Tiffany Bell, gerente do programa de casamentos da Norwegian Cruise Line na Royal Ocean Events. It doesn't matter if you'll be exchanging vows for the very first time or vowing to do it all over again, Tiffany has all the information you'll need about getting married while cruising to Bermuda. Além disso, pedimos recomendações de locais românticos para o seu grande dia. Vamos dar uma olhada!

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Seu casamento mais do que perfeito merece uma lua de mel incrível para combinar. Deve ser uma combinação tranquila de romance, diversão e comodidades em um destino lindo e exótico para inspirar você. Um cruzeiro é uma excelente opção para uma lua de mel, pois você pode navegar rumo ao pôr do sol e desfrutar do spa, restaurantes de especialidade, compras e vida noturna, tudo a bordo do seu navio. Sem esquecer dos destinos pitorescos que você visitará, além do oceano (e das estimulantes brisas oceânicas) como pano de fundo constante! Aqui está minha lista com os melhores cruzeiros de lua de mel de 2017.

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Parabéns! Seja este seu aniversário de um, cinco ou cinquenta anos de casamento, é sempre um marco que vale a pena ser comemorado de uma forma especial. Claro, às vezes, um jantar no seu restaurante preferido, um buquê de rosas ou uma joia exclusiva podem ser o tipo de comemoração que você espera. Eu também adoro todos esses gestos. No entanto, todos os presentes do mundo, por mais sentimentais que sejam, não se comparam ao dia especial em que você disse "aceito".

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Após encontrar aquela pessoa especial, não há nada mais animador do que planejar o casamento dos seus sonhos, principalmente se for um casamento em um cruzeiro. Mas com tantas coisas a considerar durante a fase de planejamento, isso pode se tornar complicado rapidamente. Então, o que fazer? Deixar os experientes coordenadores de casamentos da Norwegian Cruise Line cuidarem de tudo, claro!

Um casamento em cruzeiro é tão fácil de planejar quanto uma cerimônia em terra, além de ser totalmente personalizável. Também é uma forma econômica de combinar sua recepção e a lua de mel em um único pacote de viagem, geralmente mais barata do que uma cerimônia e recepção em terra.

Aqui estão 5 coisas a considerar ao planejar seu casamento em cruzeiro, e algumas dicas para garantir que a viagem seja tranquila por todo o itinerário!

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Lindas vistas nos decks superiores

There are honeymoons and there are getaways. Do tipo onde você deixa o estresse, a preocupação e os novos sogros para trás e simplesmente vai ser livre com sua alma gêmea. Por isso, quando chegou a hora de planejar nossa lua de mel, meu marido e eu optamos pela segunda opção. A honeymoon on a Caribbean cruise was calling to us after a late fall wedding, but the idea of complicated travel certainly wasn't. I'm happy to share that, years later, we still stand by our choice. Se você estiver pensando em fazer um cruzeiro de lua de mel, terá uma surpresa muito agradável.

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