Lauren Brush


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Semarang, Indonesia

Journey to the Javanese jungle and discover the temple of Borobudur, the world's largest Buddhist temple (and a UNESCO World Heritage Site). Venture further to the Dieng Plateau to explore stunning scenery, volcanic vents and 8th century Hindu temples. Try out your negotiating skills on the street vendors and get a bargain on jewelry, bags, sarongs and other crafts. Celebrate your win over spicy dishes of vegetables, fruits, meat and fish. And don't forget to touch the foot of a Buddha for luck before you leave.


  • Port Name & Location
    Port of Semarang
    Ship will DOCK at this port.
  • Time Zone
    WIB (Western Indonesian Time)
    UTC/GMT +7 hours
  • Language
    The local language is Indonesian. Say hello in Indonesian: "Halo"
  • Currency & Shopping
    Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)
    Shop for colourful Batik apparel.
    • Best Way to Get Around
      Mini buses and taxis are the best ways to get around this city. Organized shore excursions are available for sightseeing.
    • Famous For
      Semarang is full of ancient historical sites. Don't miss Borobudur, the 9th century Mahayana Buddhist Temple with stunning Indian architecture.
    • Fun Fact: Foodies
      Food stalls are quite popular in Semarang. Try Bandeng, a pressure cooked Milkfish, or Wingko Babat, a sticky rice and coconut mix.
    • Fun Fact: Landmarks
      Visit Tugu Muda, a landmark monument that commemorates a five-day battle between Indonesian freedom fighters and Japanese soldiers in 1945.
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