Zihuatanejo Ixtapa


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Zihuatanejo Ixtapa, Mexico

Close proximity to the Sierra Madres and Pacific Ocean means this city is ideal for hiking and water sports. You can experience luxury in Ixtapa, and the rustic at Zihuatanejo. Kick up your heels at Ixtapa at night or sip margaritas leisurely at Zihua.


  • Port Name & Location
    Ship will ANCHOR OFFSHORE at this port.
  • Time Zone
    CST (Central Standard Time)
    UTC/GMT -5 hours
  • Language
    The local language is Spanish. Say "do you speak English?" in Spanish: "habla usted ingles?"
  • Currency & Shopping
    Mexican Peso (MXN)
    Local crafts, jewelry and souvenirs.
    • Best Way to Get Around
      Organized Shore Excursions for sightseeing, museums, foodies, wine tasting. Taxis, shuttles and buses are available.
    • Famous For
      Zihuatanejo or Zihua, for short, is a Pacific paradise known for its beautiful beaches, friendly people and laid-back vibe.
    • Fun Fact #2
      The longest beach in the area, Playa La Ropa (Clothes Beach), is named for a Spanish ship that once wrecked with its cargo of silks washing ashore.
    • Fun Fact: Landmarks
      A waterfront lined with restaurants, shops and local crafts, take a stroll down Paseo del Pescador (Fisherman’s Path), also called the malecón
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