Détails de l'excursion à terre

Faits saillants de Cagliari

Cagliari, Sardaigne

Faits saillants de Cagliari


  • 4
    h Estimate Duration

Cagliari is the capital of Sardinia and its main port. The city dates back to prehistoric times and has been dominated by various peoples through the ages. Drive through the modern part of Cagliari, the marina district with its liberty style villas. Stop in front of the Basilica of Bonaria for an outside view and explanation of the history of the church. Reach the panoramic view point of Monte Urpino, from where you’ll admire the views of the ancient part of Cagliari and the coastline. Drive along Poetto Beach and the salt ponds. Walk through the historical center and visit the cathedral, dating back to the 17th century and known for its ornate baroque interior, towers and magnificent bastions. You’ll also visit a part of town called “castello”, where you’ll get great views of Cagliari from the terraces. Enjoy some free time to shop or sip an espresso under the arcades of Via Roma.

Need to Know:

Note: Tour involves approximately 1 1/4 mile/2 kilometers of walking over cobblestone, paved and steep terrain. Guests with walking difficulties are not recommended to take this tour. If not able to enter the cathedral due to religious services, an explanation will be provided from the outside. Guests who are planning to visit religious sites during free time or on tour, please dress appropriately. No bare shoulders or shorts are allowed.

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Type d'excursion :

Visites de villes et panorama

Niveau d'activité :

Titre de l'image
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Les excursions à ce niveau d'activité impliquent une quantité considérable d'activité physique, comme marcher longtemps sur des rues pavées ou sur des surfaces irrégulières ou accidentées, monter des escaliers ou rester debout durant de longues périodes. Non recommandé aux clients ayant des limitations physiques. Il est recommandé de porter des chaussures robustes et confortables.
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