Détails de l'excursion à terre

Victoria Highlights

Victoria, Colombie-Britannique

Victoria Highlights


  • 21/2
    h Estimate Duration
  • Recommandé pour les familles

Victoria is one of the most picturesque cities in North America – it exudes old world charm and has a distinctively British flair. You’ll discover the heart and soul of the “City of Gardens” on this tour and appreciate why so many visitors from around the world come each year to visit. Starting at Ogden Point you’ll head into the residential neighborhoods, complete with manicured lawns, abundant flowers of all shapes and sizes, and million dollar views of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the Olympic Mountain range.

Your tour will continue through the city's impressive Beacon Hill Park, complete with free flying peacocks and the world's tallest freestanding totem pole. After enjoying the sites of old town and Chinatown, you’ll enter Victoria's Inner Harbor. This lively area is home to the Royal British Columbia Museum, numerous street performers, craft vendors, food stalls, legislative buildings and the world famous Fairmont Empress Hotel.

Need to Know:

Note: For evening Bliss calls, this tour may be conducted after dark and will focus on the more lit areas of Victoria, with a 30 minute stop in downtown’s Inner Harbour to enjoy this picture perfect location.

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Type d'excursion :

Sites historiques

Niveau d'activité :

Titre de l'image
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Tours with this activity level involve walking over relatively level terrain, possibly some cobblestone, gravel, or a few steps. Comfortable shoes are recommended.
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