sueña. conoce. inspírate. repite.

Si estás planificando un viaje o sueñas con hacer uno, en nuestro blog de viajes y estilo de vida encontrarás la inspiración. Sueña con exóticos destinos para tus vacaciones. Mira el mundo como nunca antes. Inspira tus ansias de viajar. Y otra vez.

El blog de viajes y estilo de vida de Norwegian ofrece consejos para cruceros y para viajes para los aventureros en busca de emoción ¡y para los que simplemente quieren descansar sin hacer nada! Conoce culturas maravillosas y descubre lugares que no puedes dejar de visitar. Los expertos en viajes y cruceros de Norwegian Cruise Line te dan los mejores consejos sobre qué hacer y qué no hacer durante tus vacaciones para vivir una experiencia inolvidable.

Nuestros expertos en viajes

  • Megan Baldor

    Megan Baldor

    Megan Baldor is a contract senior copywriter for Norwegian Cruise Line and a freelance travel writer who has published articles in national and regional publications. She currently lives in North Carolina but wait a year or two and that'll probably change - military family. If she's not behind a computer or snuggled up with a book, you can find Megan out cycling, hiking or chasing after her two young children and small, Ewok-looking dog.
  • Becky Randel

    Becky Randel

    Becky Randel is a contract copywriter for Norwegian Cruise Line as well as a freelance journalist & content creator, and a regular contributor to publications such as PEOPLE Magazine, American Way, Mommy Nearest, Women's Health, Billboard, Ocean Drive, The Daily Meal, and more. Becky lives in Miami with her husband, two sons, and rescue dog. When she's not writing (or driving her kids), she's either reading, walking on the beach, or obsessively researching her next travel destination. Visit her website at

  • Meghan Palmer

    Meghan Palmer

    Meghan Palmer is a writer and contributor for Conde Nast Traveler.
  • Olivia Klupar

    Olivia Klupar

    Olivia Klupar is a Skagway native and the CEO and Founder of, Alaska's local e-commerce marketplace for travelers to connect with small businesses from their favorite port towns and shop online. is on a mission to share the joy of Alaska with others and support local businesses, artists, and communities. Discover local and shop online with
  • Rebecca Winters

    Rebecca Winters

    Rebecca, Senior Director, NCL Creative Group, leads NCL's in-house creative agency-an enthusiastic team of creative and operations directors, art directors, copywriters and project managers supporting the Norwegian brand. She's an avid traveler and lives in South Florida with her husband, two cats and one very spoiled lab-chow pup. Her favorite cruises are Alaska, Hawaii and Bermuda.
  • Julie Balter

    Julie Balter

    Julie Balter es escritora, yogui y audaz. Tras años de trabajar en la industria del cine como ejecutiva de SAG-AFTRA, Julie se mudó a Delray Beach, Florida donde empieza y termina cada día con una visita al océano. In between, she teaches yoga, writes for national and regional publications, and plots her next big travel
  • Cassandra Aguililla

    Cassandra Aguililla

    Cassandra Aguililla is a seasoned writer born and raised in southern Florida. She graduated in 2015 from Florida International University with a Bachelor's Degree in Communication Arts. With a wide range of niche interests and pop-culture knowledge beyond her years, Cassandra always finds a unique way to make audiences connect with her story. Lover of puns, animals, science fiction, art, and travel, her writing style is characteristic to her energetic and eccentric personality.
  • Connie Motz

    Connie Motz

    Connie Motz es una escritora independiente premiada que vive en BC, Canadá. She is also a proud 5-year breast cancer survivor & Celiac traveler. Connie te invita a visitar su blog, Travel Writer, en Síguela en Twitter o Pinterest, o conócela en Linkedin.
  • Emily Mendez

    Emily Mendez

    Emily Mendez is a former private practice psychotherapist turned freelance writer. She began her writing career developing psychology-related content and discovered a passion for writing. Emily is thrilled to write about travel— especially cruises— as this is her preferred way to see the world. Emily has traveled to over 12 different countries from Iceland to Haiti. She looks forward to continuing to search for adventure both near and far. Visit Emily’s blog for more travel stories and inspiration.
  • Alicia Palma

    Alicia Palma

    Alicia is a Miami native, cruise lover, and team member at Her first cruise memory is of discovering the Caribbean's turquoise waters. Her favorite cruise memory is honeymooning in Belize. One day, she hopes to cruise the Inside Passage.
  • Claire Smith

    Claire Smith

    Claire Smith is a Senior Copywriter at NCL. With her home port in Washington D.C., she loves all things food and travel and will go out of her way to find the best gluten-free bite-especially if that bite is a donut-wherever she goes.
  • Ikam Acosta

    Ikam Acosta

    Ikam Acosta is a crisis counselor and freelance writer. She has traveled to Argentina, Brazil, France, Italy, Spain, England, Greece, Turkey, the Bahamas, and most of our 50 states. She loves to take road trips, lounge on the beach, and explore ancient ruins. An avid geocacher, Ikam enjoys discovering new places, even in her hometown. She has been blogging since 2006, and has also written about music, entertainment, and culture. With travel being one of her main passions, she is looking forward to her next vacation and the opportunity to visit a new and exciting land.
  • Lauren Matyear

    Lauren Matyear

    Lauren is a writer and content strategist with over three years' experience in writing blog posts, articles, and eBooks. Having been to Mexico, Europe, and all over the United States, she loves to explore and witness different cultural traditions. She currently lives in Ukraine and nurtures her love of travel through writing and learning about new places.
  • Elizabeth Startz

    Elizabeth Startz

    After spending 30 years as an elementary teacher and principal in South Texas, Elizabeth and husband James moved to Juneau, Alaska, where she is a cruiser-to-cruiser online chat contractor for NCL and a travel agent specializing in anything Disney! In her free time, Elizabeth enjoys reading, crafting and collecting Russian nesting dolls.
  • Anna Lisa Greene

    Anna Lisa Greene

    Traveling is a way of life for Anna Lisa. She has spent fall days in the Appalachian Mountains, winter days in Paris and NYC, spring days all over the Caribbean, and summer days on the beach in her hometown off the Carolina coast. Her favorite way to travel is always by cruise, and her favorite destination is always the Caribbean, but she also loves taking weekend trips all over the Southeast U.S. with her husband. When she isn't traveling, she spends as many days as possible sitting under an umbrella while listening to music on the beach.
  • Barbara Foster

    Barbara Foster

    Barbara began her cruising obsession with her Honeymoon on the Norwegian Majesty in 1999, and is currently a Platinum Plus Latitudes Rewards member, having spent 134 days sailing a variety of Norwegian ships. Barbara is also a full-time foster mom to three men with developmental disabilities. Her passion for cruising Norwegian led her straight to Norwegian's website, where she provides live chat support for site visitors who have questions. In her spare time she's also a travel agent specializing in Norwegian Cruise Line, of course.
  • Rachel Sigur

    Rachel Sigur

    Rachel es una intrépida viajera, aventurera, exploradora y amante de la gastronomía.  Le picó el gusanillo de los viajes de niña, cuando acompañaba a su padre en sus viajes de negocios que fundamentalmente le llevaban a zonas cercanas a casinos de hotel. Con el tiempo, produjo un espectáculo sobre viajes y lo llevó por todo el mundo. El viaje más memorable de Rachel hasta el momento fue en 2016, cuando coronó el pico más alto de África, el monte Kilimanjaro, con sus amigas de la infancia. Rachel procede de Nueva Orleans y adora hacer turismo en su propia ciudad. Escribe para un sitio web de Nueva Orleans llamado NOLA Weekend. Puedes seguir sus viajes en Instagram en @rachel_nola o en Facebook en /rachel.sigur. También puedes leer sus artículos en
  • Tom Roesser

    Tom Roesser

    Tom Roesser currently lives in Miami, where he thoroughly enjoys being surrounded by cruise ships! Born & raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, he's been on over 50 cruises and is always looking forward to his next one.
  • Amy Hoff

    Amy Hoff

    Amy Hoff is a writer, novelist, filmmaker, folklorist, and historian. She has spent her life on the road. A true drifter in vintage leather-jacket-and-diner American style, she has traveled by sea and by land. A guest lecturer aboard cruise ships worldwide, she has a passion for history, culture, practical travel, and that great little restaurant around the corner in your next destination that's going to become your new fave, and that one local pub where everybody knows your name.
  • Jonathan Stephen

    Jonathan Stephen

    Jonathan is an avid traveler and foodie hailing originally from Long Island, NY. Currently living in Miami, Jonathan spends his days working on websites and marketing projects. At night, he tests his wits in the kitchen, imitating recipes from his favorite celebrity chefs. Jonathan has been to over 30 countries and loves to travel off the beaten path. His dream vacation would be doing absolutely nothing but enjoying the scenery and sipping on a crafted cocktail of choice in the locale he's visiting.
  • Ralph Galarrita

    Ralph Galarrita

    Después de estudiar Administración Pública con una beca del gobierno y recibir su diplomatura en Enfermería, Ralph pasó varios años perfeccionando sus dotes de atención al público y al cliente. With years of experience as an event organizer and host, Ralph now travels the world as an Executive Casino Host aboard Norwegian Breakaway.
  • Dean Blaine

    Dean Blaine

    Dean Blaine was seven years old the first time he saw the ocean, the first time he saw that horizon line where the water meets the sky. Wow! The world is huge, he thought. He couldn't see the end of it. He then realized that no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to explore it all. But many years later, he tries. As a professional travel writer, Dean has traversed the planet via boat, plane, train, horse and camel. He's seen the pyramids in Egypt, the cathedrals in Europe, and the Big Five while on African safari. He's chased the legend of James Bond in Jamaica, followed in the footsteps of Hemingway in Paris, and become a Blue Man for a story on the famous Blue Man Group. He considers it a great honor to be able to share his experiences with readers.
  • Charles Fischer

    Charles Fischer

    Charles is a New Jersey native and moderate traveler. Le encanta impregnarse de la cultura local de cada lugar siempre que le es posible y trata de evitar los consejos de Rick Steve sobre viaje, prefiriendo aventurarse a vivir alguna experiencia "compleja y secreta" antes de regresar a su hogar en Miami Beach. Sus vacaciones soñadas serían alquilar un departamento en Beirut y pasar un mes tomando clases de cocina e idioma árabes.
  • Evelyn Frank

    Evelyn Frank

    The opportunity to travel the Americas came at a young age for this Colombian-American. Gracias a las vacaciones que pasaba con su padre, Evelyn rápidamente aprendió los secretos de viajar. A partir de los siete años, comenzó a viajar por diferentes países de Centroamérica y Sudamérica y también por el Caribe. Evelyn ansía seguir descubriendo nuevos destinos junto a su marido e hijo en los próximos años.
  • Claudia Aguirre

    Claudia Aguirre

  • Jennifer Pintaluba

    Jennifer Pintaluba

    Jen is a Georgia native who fell in love with traveling as a child while visiting Europe and The Caribbean with her family. Durante sus años de universitaria, vivió en Siena, Italia, durante unos meses, tiempo en el cual aprendió el italiano y se impregnó de la cultura del lugar. También ha viajado a Argentina y Uruguay, países de América del Sur. Entre algunos de los recuerdos que más atesora de sus viajes están broncearse en Punta del Este, hacer excursiones por Cinque Terre, ciudad de Italia ubicada en la ladera de una montaña, y visitar la alegre ciudad de Sevilla durante la Feria De Abril.
  • Jennifer Wu

    Jennifer Wu

    Como primera generación de chino-americanos, Jen conoce sobre el acercamiento de cultruras. As a child, her frequent trips to China has sparked her love for traveling and that love has followed her ever since. Besides China, she has also trekked throughout Europe and the Caribbean and is currently thinking of her next destination to visit. Lo que más le gusta hacer cuando está en el extranjero es familiarizarse con todo lo concerniente al lugar y sus costumbres, ¡especialmente cuando se trata de comida!
  • Shayna Penn

    Shayna Penn

    Shayna es directora de escena y actualmente trabaja en el Norwegian Escape. When she's not working you can find her reading, writing or finding the best coffee in port.
  • S. Awan

    S. Awan

    Sarah Awan is a freelance writer who splits her time between Brooklyn and Miami. She writes about travel, food, love, and culture while aspiring to an artful life as the mother of two strapping, young lads.