NCL (Bahamas) Ltd., Wiesbaden Office
The following information includes obligatory legal statements for provider identification as well as important legal statements for the Norwegian Cruise Line website.
Legal provider of this website is NCL (Bahamas) Ltd., Wiesbaden Office.
NCL (Bahamas) Ltd., a limited liability company incorporated in Bermuda under registration no. 34680: head office: 7665 Corporate Centre Dr, Miami, Florida 33126, USA.
Sales and Marketing contact Continental Europe:
NCL (Bahamas) Ltd.
Kreuzberger Ring 68
65205 Wiesbaden
Phone: +49 611 36 07 0
Fax.: +49 611 36 07 099
Generic E-Post for information on Norwegian Cruise Line :
Should you have an existing reservation or require further information, please also visit for more information on how to contact a specific department.
To submit post-cruise feedback, queries and concerns, please use our dedicated page
For any privacy requests, please contact
Domicile of the Branch Office:
VAT ID No: DE 813 85 00 87
Permanent Branch Managers:
Kevin Bubolz
Legal structure of the foreign company:
Exempted Company according to the law of Bermuda
Register of the foreign company:
Registered in Bermuda, registration no. 34680
Domicile of the foreign company:
Harry J. Sommer
Responsible for editorial office:
Responsible for contents and news of the website of the NCL (Bahamas) Ltd., Wiesbaden Office is Mr. Kevin Bubolz.
Legal Disclaimer Information:
There are cross-references ("Links") to other internet offers on the NCL (Bahamas) Ltd., Wiesbaden Office websites. With these cross references, Norwegian Cruise Line Group Continental Europe Ltd. provides access to the use of these contents (§ 9 of the law on the use of "Telediensten" (TGD)). Norwegian Cruise Line is not responsible for these "external" contents, it does not initiate the transfer of the information, nor does it select the addresses of the transferred information, nor does it select or change the transferred information. An automatic short-time intermediate storage of this "external" information does not result from the selected appeal or linking methodology of NCL (Bahamas) Ltd., Wiesbaden Office, so that NCL (Bahamas) Ltd., Wiesbaden Office has no responsibility for these external contents.
With the first connection to these internet offers NCL (Bahamas) Ltd., Wiesbaden Office did check the external content, whether by its use civil law or penal responsibility will occur.
Legal Copyright Information:
The website's layout, the used graphics as well as the miscellaneous contents are copyrighted.