Heather Adams
(251) 298-7955


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Brisbane, Australia

Australia's third largest city and the capital of Queensland, this modern, vibrant city offers plenty to see and do. Lush mountains backing the city offer breathtaking views. Nearby, stunning forests and wineries await. The South Bank of the Brisbane River offers a diverse mix of parklands, cafés, boutiques, museums and galleries to explore. Or visit the markets downtown and in Chinatown where you can practice you chopstick technique.



  • Port Name & Location
    Port of Brisbane
    Ship will DOCK at this port.
  • Time Zone
    Australian Eastern Standard Time AEST
    UTC/GMT +10 hours
  • Language
    All locals speak English.
  • Currency & Shopping
    Australian Dollar (AUD) Credit Cards are widely accepted. Shop aboriginal art, crafts, opals, diamonds and pearls.
    • Famous For
      The capital of Queensland, Brisbane is Australia’s third-largest city and the most cosmopolitan of the ports in the state.
    • Fun Fact #1
      Take an hour drive inland to visit the famous Australian Zoo, home of the Crocodile Hunter.
    • Fun Fact #2
      Explore the city's museums, waterfront, river walk and beaches. Shop for opals, fine art and crafts or explore the markets downtown and in Chinatown.
    • Fun Fact: Foodies
      Indulge in superb seafood, fine Chinese cuisine and a broad spectrum of eclectic dishes, accompanied by fine wine or beer along the waterfront.
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