Heather Adams

寄港地 寄港地観光ツアー


寄港地観光ツアー (1)

  • お気に入りに追加済み

    Old Mazatlan Walking Tour


    所要時間 4時間

    Your journey starts with a short "Auriga" ride, an open-air converted pick-up truck, to the city’s main square. Explore into the heart of the Historical Center of Mazatlán, strolling through its narrow streets, while your guide informs you about the area’s history and learn about old houses along the way. ...
    Your journey starts with a short "Auriga" ride, an open-air converted pick-up truck, to the city’s main square. Explore into the heart of the Historical Center of Mazatlán, strolling through its narrow streets, while your guide informs you about the area’s history and learn about old houses along the way. 詳細...

    Your journey starts with a short "Auriga" ride, an open-air converted pick-up truck, to the city’s main square. Your walking tour begins at the site of the Post Office and the 19th-century Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. Explore into the heart of the Historical Center of Mazatlán, strolling through its narrow streets, while your guide informs you about the area’s history and learn about old houses along the way. See where once the “Grand Hotel” was and now the House of Music. Visit the magnificent and recently restored to its original European style “Angela Peralta” Opera House, named in honor of the world-famous Mexican opera singer. Walking through these cobblestone streets, you´ll arrive to the Old beachfront called “Olas Altas” aligned with bars, coffee shops and restaurants. As you continue your way to a rocky promontory to watch the local cliff divers who jump into a scant 8 feet of water, you’ll learn about several monuments on this beach promenade.

    Your walking tour ends at one of the local restaurants, where a complimentary refreshment and some salsa & chips will be served, before proceeding back to your ship. You have the option to return directly to your ship on a complimentary transportation or take a taxi at your own expense to the Golden Zone for some shopping. If you decide to go to the Golden Zone, it will be your responsibility to get back to your ship on time.

    • 大人:$50.00米ドルより
    • 子供:$50.00米ドルより
    期間 4時間
    アクティビティレベル 2
1-1 1

*料金は客船・出航日によって異なります。 利用規約をご覧ください。

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