寄港地 寄港地観光ツアー


寄港地観光ツアー (1)

  • お気に入りに追加済み

    Haleakala Crater


    所要時間 4時間

    Check out Maui’s massive Haleakala volcano from bottom to top, as you journey from sea level to 10,000 feet. From the summit you’ll view spectacular island scenery and the immense crater of volcanic rock. ...
    Check out Maui’s massive Haleakala volcano from bottom to top, as you journey from sea level to 10,000 feet. From the summit you’ll view spectacular island scenery and the immense crater of volcanic rock. 詳細...

    Check out Maui’s massive Haleakala volcano from bottom to top, as you journey from sea level to the summit to view spectacular island scenery and the immense crater of volcanic rock. You can catch a glimpse of Haleakala, Maui’s massive dormant volcano, from almost any point on the island, but you will go all the way to the top on this scenic journey – from sea level to 10,000 feet. At the summit is a vast crater seven and a half miles long by two and a half miles wide, and 3,000 feet deep. It last erupted in 1790 and has slumbered ever since, though that does not mean it won’t one day wake up. The Hawaiians revere it as a sacred site, and tell tales of Pele, Goddess of Fire and Volcanos.

    The views from the top are magnificent. If the day is clear, you may even make out two other towering peaks – Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea on the Big Island. From the crater’s rim, you'll be able to appreciate first hand the unique beauty of this imposing caldera with its interesting mix of volcanic rock and plant life, some of which, like the silversword plant, is found only in Hawaii's volcanic craters.

    • 大人:$239.00米ドルより
    • 子供:$179.00米ドルより
    期間 4時間
    アクティビティレベル 1
1-1 1

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