Michael Davis


Fortress National Park & Gardens


Fortress National Park & Gardens


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    時間 予定所要時間
  • ファミリー向け

Start with a driving tour of the French built and established capital city of Basseterre. The city features many landmarks such as, the Treasury Building, erected in 1894, stands majestically as a landmark being refurbished into a National Museum. The Berkeley Memorial which was erected in honor of the Honorable Thomas Berkeley, a legislator and estate owner of the 18th century, Independence Square, The Court, St. George’s Anglican Church with its impressive massive bell tower and steeple. At Romney Manor, home of the world famous Caribelle Batik, you’ll visit the demonstration room, where the acclaimed artists illustrate the wax and dye process of Batik making.

The Romney Manor Estate encompasses eight acres of historic ruins, ancient Carib Indian Rock drawings and a beautiful botanical garden. The tour then continues along the coastal road through remnants of sugar cane plantations to Brimstone Hill Fortress. This magnificent fortress, sitting impressively atop 38 acres of limestone and sulphur composites, is the result of 100 years of slave labor and has endured many wars fought between English, French and Spanish troops, for its control. From the fortress your tour returns to the ship via Basseterre’s Caribbean Sea coastal road.





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Tours with this activity level involve a considerable amount of physical activity such as substantial walking over cobblestone streets, uneven or steep terrain, climbing stairs, or extended periods of standing. Not recommended for guests with physical limitations. Comfortable, sturdy shoes are recommended.
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