Michael Davis


Tarcoles River Eco-Cruise Adventure


  • 41/2
    時間 予定所要時間
  • 制限付きアクセシビリティ

This adventure tour takes place in the Guacalillo Estuary on the Tarcoles River that forms the northern border of the Carara Biological Reserve. It’s home to one of the world’s largest crocodile populations in the world with individuals up to 20 feet long that can live up to 60 years. In addition to the crocodiles, over 50 different bird species might be seen on site. This estuary is famous for its mangrove forests and is one of the nesting sites of the very rare scarlet macaw and a great variety of resident and migrant waterfowl, iguanas and Jesus Christ lizards.

Your adventure begins with a one hour ride on coastal and countryside roads, passing small towns en route to the premises of the Jungle Crocodile Safari created by the veterinarian Mr. Mario Orjuela in 1993. Using catamaran-style boats, you’ll be able to observe these wild animals from a safe distance. A delicious tropical fruit buffet will be waiting for you at your return with tropical fruit drinks and coffee. Ample time for purchasing crafts made by local artisans will be given.

Need to Know:

Note: At the beginning of the Tarcoles exploration, you’ll receive a free bird guide so that you can identify the birds that you might see. Wear comfortable shoes, long pants, a hat, sunscreen and bring sunglasses, a light jacket/raingear and insect repellent. Walking is over cemented and gravel trails. Advance notice is needed for guest in wheelchairs. Motorized scooters cannot be handled, only foldable wheelchairs.




ワイルドライフ ツアー


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Tours with this activity level involve walking over relatively level terrain, possibly some cobblestone, gravel, or a few steps. Comfortable shoes are recommended.
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