Michael Davis


Go Local - Visit to the Local Farmhouse


Go Local - Visit to the Local Farmhouse


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    時間 予定所要時間

Visit a rural farm and tour the fields with the owners, who will be quite willing to discuss how farming and life has changed since Latvia’s independence from the Soviet Union. During the Soviet era, collective farming was practiced, in which government-owned farms banded together to grow crops. When Latvia gained its independence in 1991, farms could be privately owned again. The farm that you will visit grows an abundance of raspberries and strawberries, as the conditions in this part of Latvia are quite favorable for both crops. Growing berries became even more widespread following the Soviet era because the farmers could directly reap the benefits. You may have the opportunity to pick some berries (if available) in the fields and enjoy homemade seasonal pie while lingering over a cup of tea with the owners of the farm. Feel free to ask them about their lives before and after Soviet rule. It is sure to be an eye-opening experience. Gain an understanding of how farming has changed since Soviet rule ended in 1991. Tour a berry farm with the owners and learn more about its challenges and development. Enjoy some berries (if available) and homemade seasonal pie and a cup of tea with the owners as they discuss post-Soviet rural life.

• Gain an understanding of how farming has changed since Soviet rule ended in 1991.
• our a berry farm with the owners and pick your own raspberries and strawberries.
• Enjoy the berries and a cup of tea with the owners as they discuss post-Soviet rural life.

Need to Know:

Note: This tour includes about an hour of walking and standing with some sand, steps, inclines and cobblestone surfaces to negotiate. It is not available to wheelchair guests and may not be suitable for those with mobility concerns, who should evaluate their stamina and ability before joining the tour. Availability of ripe berries is not guaranteed. The tour includes a snack. Menu: a piece of seasonal home-made pie and herbal tea (1 drink). The order of sights and timing may vary. A farm may be changed without prior notice due to limited availability or other operational reasons.






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Tours with this activity level involve physical exertion for extended periods of time; can involve uneven or steep terrain or swimming in a light current. Recommended only for physically fit and adventurous travelers.
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