Heather Adams

ノルウェージャンクルーズライン オフィシャル旅行ブログ

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Balcony on Norwegian

As an experienced cruiser, I’ve sailed in just about every type of stateroom there is. But, hands down, my stateroom of choice is a Balcony. Why should you cruise in a Balcony Stateroom? Because it offers one of the best values on the ship, as you can enjoy amazing views from the privacy of your own balcony, without paying higher suite prices!


4 Tips for Sharing a Cruise Cabin with Friends and Family

Are you planning to book a cruise with family or friends? Cruises are a value-packed vacation for groups traveling together. A Norwegian cruise is fun for everyone in the group. There are plenty of activities and dining options to appeal to multi-generation families traveling together. Here are some tips for sharing a cruise cabin with family and friends.


クルーズに行くとなったら、まずは楽しいステートルーム選び。 一人旅や家族旅行、費用を節約したい、大きなスイートルームで悠々と過ごしたい、といったさまざまな希望や条件があります。ここでは、それらに合わせて最適なステートルームを選ぶための情報をご紹介します。

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