Michael Davis

ノルウェージャンクルーズライン オフィシャル旅行ブログ

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Dream Iceland Cruise Vacation

The secret of Iceland's charm is definitely getting out. The country is becoming an increasingly popular travel destination, and why not? There are gorgeous and unspoiled natural landscapes, long summer nights, and no shortage of things to do and foods to try. While you can do all the work to plan a cruise to Iceland on your own, Norwegian Cruise Line is taking all the stress out of the process with our new Norway and Iceland itineraries.


Cruises to French Polynesia and South Pacific

Not surprisingly, the South Pacific is a dream destination for many travelers, and Norwegian Cruise Line can get you there in style. On a Norwegian South Pacific sailing, you can experience some of the world's most exotic paradises as you swim in crystal clear turquoise waters, dive with a rainbow of marine life, and explore lush forests. After a day of experiencing dreamy destinations, you can just sit back and lounge onboard your cruise ship and enjoy some of the most iconic views in the world from your balcony or public deck areas.


Fountain of Neptune on Piazza della Signoria in Florence, Italy

If you've been eyeing a Mediterranean cruise, now is the time to book. Norwegian has a number of new itineraries, including ones with several stops in Italy. Choose from cruises that depart from either Venice (Trieste) or Rome and stop in cities like Naples and Florence. Here is a look at what you can expect in each of these Italian ports. 


2022 Exotic Cruises with Norwegian: Extraordinary Journeys

From investigating the ancient mysteries of the Mayans in Mexico to sampling a slice of fresh sushi in Tokyo, Japan, Norwegian's Extraordinary Journeys cater to your wildest dreams. お客様が主役の一生に一度の冒険の旅は、ずっと思い出に残るクルーズ旅行になることでしょう。 Keep reading to learn more about some of Norwegian's amazing exotic cruises for 2022.


Spring 2022 Cruises

Spring is a great time to take a cruise, especially if you're looking at Norwegian Cruise Line destinations like the Bahamas, Bermuda and The Caribbean. Some people avoid traveling during spring due to Easter and spring break. However, once Easter passes, some destinations become relatively quiet until the summer rush arrives. Spring is a shoulder season for some Caribbean islands, making it the perfect time to snag some great deals. 


Cruise to Bali, Indonesia - Things to Do - Norwegian

When it comes to top cruise destinations, it's tough to beat Bali, Indonesia. From volcanic mountains and white-sand beaches to ancient temples and cultural sites, Bali offers something for everyone. Norwegian Cruise Line makes it easy to discover the best of this exquisite island paradise on an exciting cruise to Bali with port stops in exotic locations that look like they’ve been plucked out of a dream. Book your trip of a lifetime, then check out the following four things to do in Bali on your Norwegian cruise vacation.



Norwegian will be cruising to Antarctica and returning to Iceland with expanded options. 美しい青を抱く南極の氷河を実際に見ることのできる旅や、火と氷の力が脈動する驚くべき地熱の国アイスランドの旅は、きっと生涯忘れられない最高のバケーションになるでしょう。 この新しいクルーズは、世界をもっと深く体験できるユニークな航程を提案するノルウェージャンクルーズラインの「Extraordinary Journeys」シリーズの一部です。


寒くなると暖かな海が恋しくなります。そんな時は、カリブ海のバケーションで冬の憂鬱を吹き飛ばしましょう! 常夏のカリブ海を満喫するなら何といってもシュノーケリング。 ベリーズのハーベストケイにある世界最大の生きたサンゴ礁や、バミューダ沖に沈んだ船など、海に潜るとそこには驚きの世界が広がっています。 このほかにもカリブ海には、有数のシュノーケリングスポットにアクセスできるビーチや島々があちこちにあります。 ノルウェージャンクルーズラインでは、エキサイティングなカリブ海クルーズを多数運航。これらすべてのスポットを制覇するのも夢ではありません。 


世界で見たことのないようなサファリに出かけて、ゾウやライオンなどの野生動物を探してみたいと思ったことはありませんか? チリのコキンボのビーチで、サーフィンのスリルを味わってみたいと思いませんか? アブダビの世界最速のジェットコースターに乗っているところを想像したらドキドキしませんか?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ どれかひとつでも当てはまるなら、迷わず実行に移しましょう。 ノルウェージャンクルーズラインの素晴らしい船旅で夢を叶えるなら今がそのときです。


Do you love a high-octane adventure? There's nothing quite like flying over the forest canopy and across expansive valleys to get your blood pumping. From afar, zip lining looks like a daring feat for highly skilled aerial acrobats. In reality, it's a completely safe and exhilarating activity that requires no prior training or experience. In fact, it's a great way for cruisers of all ages and physical fitness levels to get up close and personal with nature. 


Tranquility. Excitement. Natural beauty. Whatever paradise you seek, you can soak it all in on Norwegian’s private island, Great Stirrup Cay. From an exhilarating zip line over pristine waters and snorkeling a unique underwater sculpture garden to reclining at the all-new, exclusive Silver Cove – featuring a private beach and lagoon, Mandara Spa and luxurious villas – you can do it all, or nothing at all, on The Greatest Cay.


Roatan Caves

New Orleans is one of the top tourist destinations in the United States, with a unique mix of culture, history, entertainment, and nightlife. While many cruisers may think only of Mardi Gras when it comes to New Orleans, there is so much more to the city. New Orleans is the home of Dixieland Jazz, as well as Louisiana Creole cuisine with its blend of French, Spanish, Italian, German, Haitian, and West African flavors. 



It's never too early to start planning your next cruise vacation. Whether you dream of eating pasta in Italy or walking in the footsteps of Russian tsars, Norwegian has you covered. With European itineraries that take you everywhere from stunning Baltic capitals to jewels of the Mediterranean, Norwegian makes it easy to explore parts of the world you never thought possible. So go ahead and dream big.


中米クルーズをお考えの方のために、ノルウェージャンクルーズラインではメインのルートを2つ用意し、さまざまなオプションを提供しています。 西カリブ海クルーズでは、ベリーズ、ホンジュラスなどに寄港。パナマ運河クルーズでも、中米のほとんどの港に立ち寄ります。 また、パナマ運河横断というオプションもあり、この航程では運河の両サイド、つまりカリブ海と太平洋側を一度に訪れることができます。



You know what's a great way to spend the holidays? Taking a cruise with your entire family. Think about it. The holidays often bring more stress than joy. Between decorating your house, slaving over the stove, hosting guests, and attending holiday parties, there's hardly any free time to spend with the people who matter most in your life. This year, avoid the hustle and bustle by booking a holiday cruise vacation for your entire family. Let Norwegian Cruise Line take care of the cooking and cleaning while you spend quality time with your family over the winter break.


6 Cruise Destinations to Add to Your New Year's Resolutions

Have you thought about what kind of adventures you'll include at the top of your New Year's list resolution list this year? What dreams do you want to see fulfilled? Cruising lets you collect experiences and return from each journey feeling invigorated and transformed.

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