
ノルウェージャンクルーズライン オフィシャル旅行ブログ

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What to Wear for a Cruise to Israel with Norwegian

Are you considering a Norwegian Cruise Line vacation that includes a port stop in Israel? While not as conservative as some other neighboring countries, it's still important to do some careful planning and make sure you have appropriate attire for when you're off the ship. To assist with your pre-cruise planning, here are some of the must-have items for your Israel wardrobe. 


7 Tips for Dressing for a Dubai Cruise with Norwegian

Dubai is one of the wealthiest cities on the planet. It's a feat of architectural engineering and design. Nowhere is the concept of "ancient blended with modern" more appropriate than in Dubai. Of course, there's definitely a dress code in this wealthiest of world cities. If you're visiting the United Arab Emirates on your next cruise vacation, it pays to be prepared. Here is a list of must-have clothing items for any visitor dressing for a Dubai cruise.


ノルウェージャンクルーズラインでカリブ海クルーズに行くと、選べるアクティビティと寄港地観光ツアーの多さに悩んでしまうかもしれません。 そんなときにポイントとなるのは、カリブ海はすべてがのんびり、それもクルーズとなるとなおさらだということです。


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