
If you’re like many cruisers, you’re probably looking to unwind a bit while you’re on vacation and seriously, what says vacation more than a tropical drink with one of those little umbrellas?? On your Caribbean cruise, you’ll have plenty of time to relax and soak up the rays, while sipping some delicious drink concoction you’ve never even heard of. Here are 7 Must-Try Drinks in The Caribbean!
グルメな方にぴったりの寄港地観光ツアー トップ14

グルメと呼ばれるに相応しい人に聞けば、素晴らしい食事自体が立派なアクティビティである理由を喜んで答えてくれるでしょう。 ランチに自家製のパスタを食べるという行為を例にとってみても、麺の食感やソースの香りなど、忘れられない体験の一つとして強く印象に残るであろうことは想像に難くありません。 だからこそノルウェージャンクルーズラインの寄港地観光ツアーなのです。
Enjoy Norwegian's Bermuda Triangle Punch Drink Recipe

As a souvenir from your Bermuda cruise, we offer the recipe for Bermuda Triangle Punch. Enjoy it by the pool, after a day in the sun, or as a pre-dinner cocktail. Take home a taste of Bermuda.
Announcing Norwegian Aqua’s Exciting Dining & Bar Options

地元民のように楽しもう!- 南カリブ海の屋台の食べ物
Must Try Specialty Restaurants & Dishes

One of my absolute favorite things to do on board a cruise — besides sipping a poolside cocktail — is indulging in the food! If you’re a first-time cruiser, let me tell you, you’re going to have options. On board, you can order cuisine spanning from French to Brazilian and venues from steakhouse-style to grab-and-go buffets. If you’re not sure where to start, here are our suggestions.
A Guide to Gluten-Free Dining on Norwegian Prima

Like many people with Celiac Disease my first questions any time I travel are "what I am going to eat?" and "where can I eat safely?" The minute I decide on a destination, I'm all over the internet looking for the best places to get a gluten-free bite to eat. Being on a strict gluten-free diet for medical reasons means when I'm looking into a vacation like a cruise, the first thing I need to know before I book is what my dining options are.
Meet the Winemaker Cruise Series is Back With a Fantastic Lineup
11 Bars & Lounges to Explore on Norwegian’s Cruise Ships

Have you heard that every ship in Norwegian's fleet has up to 22 bars and lounges? From pool deck bars to specialty lounges, you'll find great places to unwind with the perfect vacation drink throughout your cruise vacation. The best part? Each venue has its own distinctive vibe. Read on to start planning your onboard experience and toast to the vacation of a lifetime. 素晴らしい旅に乾杯!
7 Restaurants to Try on Norwegian’s Cruise Ships

Cruising is about so much more than sailing from one beautiful port to another. From vibrant nightly entertainment to fun-filled poolside activities, you'll find loads of exciting things to do on the ship itself. One of the most enjoyable ways to spend your time is to try the wide variety of food on board. Norwegian Cruise Line offers some of the best dining at sea. In the mood for a grab-and-go meal? Want to enjoy an over-the-top gourmet experience? No problem! There's something to tickle everyone's taste buds on each of the award-winning ships in the Norwegian fleet.
Earth Day 2021: Celebrate with a "Pineapple Surplus" Cocktail + Recipe

Earth Day is every day here at Norwegian! To restore and protect our planet, we must work together each day to be resourceful and follow sustainable practices both big and small. So let's celebrate Earth Day with a cocktail - a sustainable one of course!
ノルウェージャン ブリスでおすすめのお食事

"I'm hungry," said no one on a cruise ship — ever. Cruising on the state-of-the-art Norwegian Bliss is no exception to this rule. You'll find exquisite Specialty Dining venues along with popular main dining choices such as Savour and Taste. But you'll find some must-have foods on board Norwegian Bliss that everyone should simply try.
Bars & Lounges to Discover on Norwegian Bliss
With 16 bars and lounges on board the brand-new Norwegian Bliss, there’s no shortage of fun and libations to enjoy on your next cruise vacation. Whether you’re sailing to Alaska and taking in the stunning glacier views from the Observation Lounge bar or cruising to The Caribbean with a fresh mojito in hand, these hot spots have something for your every vacation mood.
ノルウェージャン エスケープでぜひ試したいワインペアリング

One of the most exciting developments aboard Norwegian Escape is the creation of The Cellars, Norwegian's first ever wine bar. モンダヴィ ファミリー ブランド(それに、ナパバレーでの4世代にわたるワイン作り)に支えられたこのバーはあたたかく落ち着いた雰囲気で、外ではバーチェアに腰掛けて海が眺められます。お気に入りの一杯を味わいたい、あるいは新しい味を見つけたいという、ワインが好きな方すべてのための場所です。 ワインのことをもっと知りたいという方は、ぜひテイスティング テーブル*に行ってみてください。ビギナーからエキスパートの方まで、ワインについて学べます。 ワインの楽しみをどこまでも追求しているのが、ザ セラーズなのです。
A Beer Lover's Guide to Craft Beers

ノルウェージャン エスケープのザ ディストリクト ブリュー ハウスでは、冷たいビールがあなたをお待ちしています。ビール愛好家の皆さんは、このニュースに胸躍ることでしょう。 マイアミのウィンウッド ブリューイング カンパニーによる地元のビールを含め、50種以上の瓶ビールと24種のドラフトビールを取り揃えているため、洋上にいながらクラフトビールのトレンドに精通することができます。 ビールの初心者・精通者を問わず、自分が飲むビールとその製法について知ることは、クラフトビール体験の一部であると言えます。 ですから、次のクルーズバケーションでビールを楽しむ前に、クラフトビールの基本をすべて押さえておきましょう。

Whether you’re a first-time cruiser or an experienced traveler, here is some advice that’s always a helpful reminder: Try something – anything – new every day of your cruise. Granted, such a suggestion is easy to indulge because you’re likely to explore a different port city every day. However, I find that when it comes to food, we tend to stick to the first onboard dining experience we like, rather than explore our way through Norwegian’s diverse culinary selections
Which Norwegian Cruise Lounge is Right for You?
Have you already booked — or are thinking of booking — your dream cruise vacation on Norwegian Cruise Line? If so, you’ll likely want to know about life onboard the ship and how you will stay entertained (and hydrated) throughout the day and evening. If you are a sucker for sake or crave cold, fruity cocktails, Norwegian's creative and skilled bartenders are excited to serve you. With dozens of Norwegian Cruise Line's distinct and stunning bars and lounges expertly placed through each ship, grabbing a delicious drink and relaxing in your preferred venue couldn't be easier.
8 Must-Try Dishes for Your Italy Cruise

Once you have your Italian cruise vacation with Norwegian booked, it's time to start planning your shore excursions and deciding what sights are most important on your list of things to do. However, don't forget all the delicious traditional foods that await you in Italy! Depending on the ports you are visiting, you'll have the opportunity to try dishes that are special to that region.