Michael Davis

ノルウェージャンクルーズライン オフィシャル旅行ブログ

1-20 25 進む
1-20 25 進む

Are you considering going on a vacation for the winter holidays? The 2023 holiday cruise options range from closer-to-home possibilities such as the Bahamas or The Caribbean, or you can fly to Europe to visit some of the best European cities without summer crowds. Plan ahead so you can simply embark and enjoy when the time comes.


Thanksgiving Cruise on Norwegian

Looking for a unique way to spend Thanksgiving this year? Thanksgiving cruises give you the opportunity to create long-lasting family memories without all the extra work of shopping and cleaning. Enjoy a traditional fall celebration or sail away to a tropical oasis on a cruise with Norwegian where you can sip cold cocktails and be pampered this holiday.


2022 Holiday Cruises: Make New Memories at Sea

One of the best ways to spend an unforgettable holiday season together is to book a family cruise vacation on Norwegian Cruise Line. No matter whether you are looking to celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year's, or another special event, celebrate it at sea. Norwegian offers numerous 2022 holiday cruises that are perfect for your family vacation. Read on for a look at some of the cruise destinations you can visit over the 2022 holiday season.


mother's day trip
With Mother's Day fast approaching, have you thought about the perfect gift for a special mother in your life? Why not consider a Mother's Day cruise on Norwegian Cruise Line? While booking a cruise over the holiday itself is ideal, it's understandable that your preferred itinerary may not sail over Mother's Day, or that work and school commitments can make the timing impossible. One idea is to still gift her the cruise on Mother's Day, giving her something exciting to look forward to later in the year.


Booking a cruise to take advantage of Spring break guarantees you the easiest, most relaxing vacation that you will ever experience. While many popular beach destinations may become overcrowded and overpriced, you can avoid the throngs of visiting revelers by going on a spring break cruise that will take you away from the crowds. Not to mention that you get to do so while being whisked away to some of the most beautiful and exotic destinations in the world!


Memorial Day Weekend Cruise Norwegian

Thinking of cruising this summer? Memorial Day Weekend will soon be upon us. It’s a holiday that has come to signify the start of summer season in all its leisurely glory. For some, it’s simply a three-day weekend, maybe with a beach day or barbeque tradition. But sometimes traditions are meant to be broken. Especially when you consider that Norwegian Cruise Line offers amazing savings on 3-, 4-, and 5-day cruises to some of the sunniest places during this special time of year.



You know what's a great way to spend the holidays? Taking a cruise with your entire family. Think about it. The holidays often bring more stress than joy. Between decorating your house, slaving over the stove, hosting guests, and attending holiday parties, there's hardly any free time to spend with the people who matter most in your life. This year, avoid the hustle and bustle by booking a holiday cruise vacation for your entire family. Let Norwegian Cruise Line take care of the cooking and cleaning while you spend quality time with your family over the winter break.



If you are suffering from the winter blues, the surefire cure for the blahs is a big dose of spring, as in Spring Break, baby. Whether you’re a college student seeking the perfect way to spend your precious week of vacation, or a sun worshipper craving warmth, Norwegian Cruise Line has a spring break cruise with tailored special savings and adventures for every kind of vacationer.



Christmas is a magical time of year. From the sounds of carols to the aroma of homemade cookies, the Christmas season offers a lot to love. But much stress goes on behind the scenes. Prepping for guests, putting up decorations, and shopping for gifts in crowded malls are enough to send anyone over the edge. Let someone else do the cooking and trim the tree this year by trading the holiday chaos for a stress-free Christmas cruise vacation in 2019.


Winter Cruises 2018: Escape to Warmer Weather

With over 70 cruise vacations to choose from this winter, where will you escape to? Norwegian has plenty of options to beat the cold. Whatever your choice, an escape to warmer destinations is a great way to take a break from the weather while making memories you’ll keep forever. Here are some of our winter 2018 cruises to book now, just in time for the season.


Top 2018 Holiday Cruises to Book Now

No matter what upcoming holidays you'll be celebrating — Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Years', or even Festivus for the rest of us — Norwegian Cruise Line has a holiday cruise that's perfect for you, and your family, and friends. Here are the top holiday cruises to book now.


NYE Cruise: Exploring the Mexican Riviera

By Rachel Sigur

Deciding what to do on New Year’s Eve has always been a bit of a dilemma for me.  Do I stay home and watch the countdown on TV, do I go out and fight the crowds, do I host a party, or do I hope to get invited to a party?  Last year I came up with one of my most brilliant ideas yet.  I packed my bags and headed out to sea to ring in the New Year. 


Themed Cruises Not to Miss in 2018

Everyone loves to take a cruise, for any occasion. Whether it’s a birthday celebration, an anniversary, or just a regular getaway with friends, cruising is one of the most exciting adventures one can embark on. If you are looking to have some extra flair on your next vacation, why not consider a theme cruise? Norwegian Cruise Lines offers lots of different options to ramp up your excitement at sea. If you are a fan of music festivals, or a fan of television, you are sure to love the many themed cruising options they have available.


8 Good Reasons to Spend NYE on a Cruise

Why take a New Year’s Eve cruise? Well, if you did, you’d definitely miss out on spending time with the same old friends in the same old place, and the same old hassles of getting an Uber when everyone else in the city is trying to do the same thing at the same time. I mean, who wants to miss out on that?!

But let's look at the alternative. How about just enjoying New Year’s Eve? Without any hassles. I mean zero, nada, none. If you want to be practical, celebrating New Year’s Eve on a cruise is almost the best choice you can make. Why? Here are eight very good reasons.


Where to Cruise During Winter

Taking a cruise during the winter months is an excellent way to escape the holiday hustle and the freezing temperatures of the north. Fortunately, Norwegian Cruise Line has a variety of vacations to choose from, including award-winning Caribbean Cruise packages, leaving from various ports such as Miami, San Juan, Orlando & Port Canaveral, and New York.


When we think of celebrating the holidays, we usually think of family gatherings, crowded shopping malls, and getting together for copious amounts of food and drinks with friends. Instead of staying home and doing the same thing you do each season, consider taking a holiday cruise to one of our many Norwegian Cruise Line destinations with your family or friends instead. You can always enjoy your copious amounts of food and drinks at sea, where you won’t have to drive anywhere or clean up after the festivities are over.


大晦日ほどパーティーにうってつけの日はそうありません。この日は、世界各地の何百万人もの人々が一同となり、一年の終わりを祝いながら将来に望みを託します。 ですから、大晦日はきちんとした計画と準備が必要な祝賀イベントと言えます。 今年は新年へのカウントダウンを始めたら、世界でもひときわ盛大に大晦日を祝う国に注目してみてはいかがでしょう。


ホリデーに家族全員をノルウェージャンクルーズラインのカリブ海クルーズに連れて行く人は最高 ⎯ ご家族に私がそう言ったとためらいなく伝えていただけるよう祈っています。


でもそれとは別に、型破り、かつインパクトが絶大な方法でホリデーを祝わないと気が済まないということもあります。そんな時はカリブ海クルーズへ。とびぬけて陽気なムードの島々に立ち寄りながら、船内でもエキサイティングな時間が過ごせます。太陽を満喫する機会も無限大。雪と泥でびちゃびちゃになった麻痺状態の道路やNetflix三昧の毎日に別れを告げてみませんか? さあ、カリブ海のクリスマスキャロルを体験しに出かけましょう! ここでは、カリブ海クルーズで体験できるお楽しみをほんの少しご紹介します。


12月のホリデーシーズンは、クリスマスクルーズの計画にはもってこいの時期です。 混雑したショッピングモールや空いている駐車場探し、そしてクリスマスディナーの準備のストレスともおさらばです。 その代わりにプールサイドでエッグノッグとともに日光浴でも。 Never worry, Santa will find you on your Christmas cruise down in the Caribbean, the Mediterranean and other sunny vacation destinations! クリスマスの翌日にサンタが日に灼けようとしているのを目撃、なんてことがあるかもしれません。 Christmas is where you make it, and what better place than a holiday cruise.


今年ホリデークルーズに行かれる方は、自分への最高の贈り物になると楽しみにされていることでしょう。 でも、それだけでは物足りなくありませんか?私ならそう感じます。 クルーズを選んだことで荷物が少なくなるのは確かですが、だからといって、いつものように綺麗にラッピングされたプレゼントを交換できなくなると諦める必要はありません。

いちばん良いことは少しずつやってくるといいます。ご家族への贈り物にジュエリーやギフトカードを荷物に詰め込んで行くつもりの方もいるかもしれません。 いっそのことギフトをクルーズに持って行くのではなく、逆にクルーズならではのさまざまな要素を贈り物に盛り込んでみてはいかがでしょうか? ここでは、クリエイティブな「プレゼントでホリデークルーズを思い出深いものにするためのアイデアをいくつかご紹介します。

1-20 25 進む