Heather Adams
(251) 298-7955


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Brest, France

Brest is as big and bold as its history. This naval port has many military landmarks for you to explore. View the heavily fortified Chateau de Brest and the rotund 14th century Tour Tanguy tower. The tower contains a museum with dioramas depicting the town on the eve of World War II. But Brest is so much more than a military town. It is the gateway to enchanting medieval villages and abbeys, the mythical Abers Coast and elegant chateaux. And if you’re looking for keepsakes, Brest has handcrafted ceramic pieces and fashions with a nautical flair. Instead of recapping your day over seafood, opt for Breton crêpes made with buckwheat – they are a specialty here.


  • Port Name & Location
    Port of Brest
    Ship will DOCK at this port.
  • Time Zone
    CET (Central Europe Time)
    UTC/GMT +1 hour
  • Language
    The local language is French. Say hello in French: "Bonjour"
  • Currency & Shopping
    Euro (EUR)
    Shop for handcrafted ceramics and fashion with a nautical flair.
    • Best Way to Get Around
      This is a walking city with many hills, so be sure to wear comfortable shoes. Organized sightseeing tours are available.
    • Famous For
      Known as a military town, Brest also offers plenty of medieval history to take in. Visit the Abers Coast to relive moments from the 5th century.
    • Fun Fact: Foodies
      Do as the locals do and ask for "La Complete," a regional favorite combo of ham, egg and cheese in a buckwheat crepe.
    • Fun Fact: Landmarks
      The Castle of Brest and the Tanguy Tower are two landmarks you won't want to miss. They are conveniently located just across the river from one another.
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