Heather Adams
(251) 298-7955


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Petropavlovsk, Russia

Sublime views of two giant volcanoes and a long line of snow-capped mountains greet you upon arrival in Petropavlovsk. Wander the streets of this fishing town past a quaint wooden chapel and historic monuments, and stop for a beer at a charming café. Visit the Kamchatka Museum, overlooking the bay, where dioramas of nomadic herders, old cannonballs and other artifacts will take you back in time. Or explore ancient geological relics at the Museum of Volcanoes.


  • Port Name & Location
    Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Port Ship will DOCK at this port.
  • Time Zone
    PETT (Kamchatka Time) UTC/GMT +12 hours
  • Language
    The local language is Russian. Say "thank you" in Russian: "спасибо." (spasibo)
  • Currency & Shopping
    Russian Ruble (RUB) Hand-made arts, crafts and souvenirs
    • Best Way to Get Around
      Most destinations are easly accessed on foot.
    • Famous For
      Explore dioramas of nomadic herders, old cannonballs and other historic artifacts at the fascinating Kamchatka Regional Unified Museum.
    • Fun Fact #1
      You can visit a volcano museum here, or simply gaze up at the constantly smoking Mutnovsky volcano.
    • Fun Fact #2
      Surrounded by mountains and volcanoes, you cannot see the horizon from any point in the city.
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